Ink-jet printing (11 exhibitors)
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41539 Dormagen, Germany
Lab, pilot and production equipment for coating, printing and laminating for PE
32108 Bad Salzuflen, Germany
Printing and coating systems for functional films and 3D substrates
09126 Chemnitz, Germany
Research and development service provider printed functionalities
01277 Dresden, Germany
From materials to competitive edge
Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA
The world's premier provider of piezoelectric inkjet printheads and systems
63450 Hanau, Germany
Turnkey solution for selective metallic coating of electronic components
91430 IGNY, France
Techs for PE circuits,componentsµ systems on a variety of 2D/3D substrates.
31860 Irurtzun, Spain
Custom-made machinery to enable digital manufacturing
68723 Schwetzingen, Germany
Notion Systems is a leading provider of industrial inkjet printing systems.
12555 Berlin, Germany
Advanced additive manufacturing for high-viscosity, high-particle load materials
79331 Teningen, Germany
Series machines and special machines in screen printing and digital printing