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OE-A Organic and Printed Electronics Association

OE-A Organic and Printed Electronics Association
Smart Living
Organic and Printed Electronics Association
Als Favorit speichern
Leading international association in the organic & printed electronics industry


The OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics Association) is the leading international industry association for flexible, organic and printed electronics and it represents the entire value chain of this emerging industry.

Our members are world-class global companies and institutions, ranging from R&D institutes, mechanical engineering companies and material suppliers, to producers and endusers. Well over 200 members from Europe, Asia, North America and Africa are working together to promote the establishment of a competitive production infrastructure for organic and printed electronics. The OE-A is a working group within VDMA.

The vision of the OE-Ais to build a bridge between science, technology, and application.

OE-A's Key Activities:

- International networking & communication platform
- Market & technology information
- Research & development
- Education & training - Standardization
- Global visibility
- Advocacy & funding


OE-A Organic and Printed Electronics Association
Lyoner Str. 18, 60528 Frankfurt, Deutschland