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SPGPrints offers R2R screen printing solutions, full production lines & services

Company profile

SPGPrints is the global leading provider of integrated solutions for rotary screen printing in the textile, label and industrial markets and has a leading position in digital printing.

Rotary screen printing offers clear advantages for many industrial and security applications because of its precision, consistency, speed and uninterrupted production. Industrial applications include bank notes, interior decor, medical, adhesives, RFID antennas and solar cells.

Electronics are being printed on roll-to-roll substrates like paper, foil and aluminum. SPGPrints’ rotary screen technology allows you to achieve the right high resolution and thick printed layer needed for these electronic concepts.

SPGPrints offers a complete solution of hardware, consumables, but most importantly the network and application knowledge to get your production running effectively and efficiently.

Applications include:

  • high-frequency RFID antennas
  • automotive surface heaters
  • flexible printed circuits
  • biosensors

Product presentations

Granite - RSI<sup>®</sup> Line

Granite - RSI® Line



Raamstraat 1-3, 5831 AT Boxmeer, Netherlands
Contact request
Contact Marketing/PR
Mr. Jurgen Westerhoff
Contact Marketing/PR
Mr. Marcel Kleintjens
Global Marketing Manager
Contact Technical Support
Mr. Ben Robesin
Application Specialist